- absorption
- acceleration
- anchor position
- angular momentum
- anticipating
- arcs
- articulation
- asserting
- barbie doll frame
- beat
- body flight
- Body Pulse
- body pulse
- boing
- bowing
- break
- break step/check step
- calibrating
- catch
- centre
- centre counter point
- chaine
- chasse
- closed side
- coaster step
- collagen recoil
- commitment
- concentric contraction
- connection
- contrabody movement (CBM)
- contrabody movement position (CBMP)
- core
- counterbalance
- countering
- critical timing
- cucarachas
- cultivate
- delayed 1
- directional intent
- displacement
- downbeat
- eccentric contraction
- efficiency
- en dedans
- en dehors
- energy transfer and absorption
- engage
- expand/contract
- extension
- failure
- feedback
- figure
- follow
- force
- frame
- frame matching
- French cross
- groove
- hinging open
- impulse
- integrate
- invitation
- isolate
- isometric contraction
- J-hook
- kissing/magnet
- lateral leads
- law of inertia
- lead
- lead leg
- linear momentum
- locomotion
- mastery
- measure
- moment of inertia
- myelin
- myelination
- neutral
- Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
- open side
- outward tonal energy
- partial-full-delayed full
- phasic muscles
- phrase
- pitch
- pivot
- plane of connection
- plane of propulsion
- plier (or plie)
- poise
- post
- postural muscles and phasic muscles
- posture
- pre-leading
- prerequisite movement
- propel
- proprioception
- pulse
- puppetting
- ratcheting
- rebound and ricochet
- receiving foot
- resistance
- resisted release
- retirer
- rhythm
- ricochet
- rock & go
- rolling count
- rotation
- rotational spring
- sending foot
- shaping
- side drives
- skill
- skill acquisition
- slingshot concept
- slot
- straight rhythm/time
- stretch
- strutting
- suturing
- sweetheart position
- swing rhythm
- swivel
- syncopation
- task
- teaching practice
- telemark
- tempo
- tensegrity
- tethering
- tonal muscles
- torque
- trials and fails
- tuck
- turnout
- upbeat
- vectors
- weight transfer/shifting
- whip
- work
- yielding
- zero capture