A super effective elasticity drill to get your class giggling

In Day 1 of the Elasticity Challenge, we included the “I Dream of Jeannie” drill. (Now would be a good time to go watch it if you have not gotten caught up yet). Here’s a way to extend this potent drill to a memorable and bonding group game:One of the foreign concepts that students need

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A super effective elasticity drill to get your class giggling

3 Mistakes to avoid when teaching connection

Oooh… I have to pick just three? 😉Normally, I would need to first mention the mistake of “teaching patterns and footwork before fundamental movement skills”, but today I’ll stay focused on the first few drills from the Elasticity Challenge. They might seem obvious at first, but let’s explore them in the context of this week.1.

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3 Mistakes to avoid when teaching connection

Shoe Review: WCS Footwear Trends & Tips

Fashion, just as West Coast Swing itself, evolves as trends change and new technology becomes available. This is one of my most popular articles, with some new additions! Friction managementIn effect, any shoe can be a dance shoe with a somewhat flexible sole and suede on the bottom. Some people take their favourite shoes to

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Shoe Review: WCS Footwear Trends & Tips

What do you WANT? Part 4: Community

This is the last article in a 4-part series. If you have read  Part 1: Social, Part 2: Skills, and Part 3: Competition, skip down to the Part 3: COMMUNITY section by clicking here. Otherwise, keep reading. It’s the new year – typically a popular time to reassess and take stock, but this year we’re a little wiser…Have you actually taken

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What do you WANT? Part 4: Community

What do you WANT? Part 3: Competition

This is Part 3 in a 4-part series. If you have read  Part 1: Social, and Part 2: Skills, skip down to the Part 3: Competition section by clicking here. Otherwise, keep reading. It’s the new year – typically a popular time to reassess and take stock, but this year we’re a lot wiser than we have ever been.Have you actually

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What do you WANT? Part 3: Competition

What do you WANT? Part 2: Skills

This is Part 2 in a 4-part series. If you have already read Part 1: Social, skip to the Part 2 section by clicking here.It’s the new year – typically a popular time to reassess and take stock, but this year we’re a little wiser…Since the pandemic, we’ve all learned a lot about what really hasn’t

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What do you WANT? Part 2: Skills

What do you WANT? Part 1: Social

It’s the new year – Have you taken stock of what you really want out of your West Coast Swing lately? Because now’s a REALLY good time to do that!Consider this your opportunity to do a philosophical audit of your WCS, and “clean your closet” so you can dump some dead weight in your dance

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What do you WANT? Part 1: Social

How to sustain that post-event glow

Did you have an amazing time at the event this weekend? Feeling blissfully “swungover” and basking in the afterglow of soul-filling social dancing, thrilling shows & contests, and brain-nourishing workshops?It is inevitable that this afterglow will wear off after a while, just as any vacation effect wears off after coming back home.But wouldn’t it be

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How to sustain that post-event glow

Competing for the first time?

So you’ve decided it’s time to try competing and you are getting ready to to compete for the first time?  The advice you will often hear is “just have fun!”. But while encouraging, this is not actually that helpful. You don’t need to try to have fun – you will have fun organically if you

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Competing for the first time?

The Ultimate WCS Etiquette Checklist

Etiquette is a part of the culture of social dancing that is often taken for granted.   We all assume that since we feel like we are doing fine, that others will perceive us the same. Everyone assumes the advice applies to everyone but themselves.   …but are you SURE?   You may have heard

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The Ultimate WCS Etiquette Checklist