Why You Didn’t Make Finals

Ah, the eternal competitor question… “What are the judges looking for?” Consider that judges are not necessarily “looking for” positive elements of your dance as much as they are “looking to eliminate” negative elements. We call these “red flags”: bad habits or errors that prevent judges from giving you a callback to the next round. Judges

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Why You Didn’t Make Finals

Pep Talk for the Girls: Part 2

Last week’s Part 1 featured concerns that women have about their own dancing – things that women should take personal responsibility for, as opposed to blaming outside sources.   This week, I need to shift the focus to more serious concerns: things women should NOT take responsibility for, and ways women can and should take a stand.

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Pep Talk for the Girls: Part 2
The boys had their turn with Guy-Guidance and Dude-Dilligence. Now it’s our turn. I’d like to address some of the common concerns and complaints I hear from women in my Feminine Styling Intensive, private lessons, and in personal conversations. It’s a bit of tough love specifically for women, whether they lead or follow.

Pep Talk for the Girls: Part 1

Girls*, let’s chat.   The boys had their turn with Guy-Guidance and Dude-Dilligence. Now it’s our turn. I’d like to address some of the common concerns and complaints I hear from women in my Feminine Styling Intensive, private lessons, and in personal conversations. It’s a bit of tough love specifically for women, whether they lead or

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Pep Talk for the Girls: Part 1

Coach’s Corner 2017 Year-In-Review

Quick access to the best 2017 articles you may have missed – SHARE SHARE SHARE! The Coach’s Corner blog allows us to discuss common topics our students asked, published in a format that dancers worldwide could learn from and respond to.  We enjoy “talking shop”, but for the blog I draw the line at skill development:

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Coach’s Corner 2017 Year-In-Review
Are you sabotaging your own dance progress? Be a better student and get more out of your investment! #teacherpeeves #becoachable #wcscoachscorner

Private Lesson Pains

No matter your level, when it comes to dance instruction, nothing gives you more bang-for-your-buck than private lessons. Private lessons are a part of a balanced dance diet. The one-on-one feedback fills your bucket with encouragement and homework to last you a few weeks to a few months of social dance practice.   BUT, there

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Private Lesson Pains

14 common teaching habits that might be sabotaging your students

Even the best teachers with the best intentions have moments of unintentional subliminal teaching: when their teaching habits or advice accidentally deliver a completely different, counterproductive, undesirable lesson. Check your habits here!   In this article, I’m going to talk about why certain advice backfires. Then I outline 14 typical teaching habits or advice that

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14 common teaching habits that might be sabotaging your students
It's in all of our best interest to make our WCS more welcoming to its newest members. Here are some great ideas and initiatives! #ourresponsibilitywcs #wcscoachscorner #youweregreenonce

Fostering Newcomer Dancers

I sat down with Kay Newhouse, affectionately referred to as “Community Mama” of the NorthEastern US, and co-director of Swing Fling, DCSX and MADJam, some of the biggest and most-successful events on the WSDC circuit. We were particularly curious about the awesome initiatives she is taking with the Newcomer demographic, and her ideas on catering

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Fostering Newcomer Dancers
Psyching yourself out of dance experiences you think you aren't worthy of yet? You are not as restricted/excluded as you think you are! This article needs sharing! #WCScoachscorner #iamworthy #ideserveit #iamgoodenoughforarmstyling

The “Not-Good-Enough” Myth

“One day, I hope to speak Egyptian Arabic well enough to visit Egypt”   This makes no sense, right? You don’t need to be fluent in Arabic in order to visit Egypt. In fact, the Egyptians would probably be pleasantly surprised if you even tried “Hello” and “Thank you”.   When it comes to language,

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The “Not-Good-Enough” Myth

How to balance Social Dancing and Socializing

Post-pandemic, as you have been reassessing your priorities in dance, you may have noticed you have had a bit of an imbalance. Focusing too much on training and not having enough fun, or the reverse – focusing so much on the party aspect of our dance that your skills are suffering…   Regardless of your

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How to balance Social Dancing and Socializing
A more in-depth look at all those performances you admire: what to watch for, and how to appreciate what you see. #wcscoachscorner #audienceparticpation #youarepartoftheshow

Enrich Your Spectating Experience

It’s easy to get hypnotized by all the sparkly rhinestones, the splashy tricks, and the sick combinations. But after your Newcomer honeymoon phase, your senses are no longer overwhelmed and your brain has the bandwidth to appreciate different elements of the improv competitions and routines you enjoy watching.   Some spectators like to analyze the

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Enrich Your Spectating Experience
I've been cooking something special just for Event Directors... #wcscoachscorner #evolveordie #worksmarternotharder

Evolving Event Standards & Trends

As WCS spreads and grows exponentially worldwide and the dance evolves, the landscape of dance events is changing too. There are more dance activities available on the market now, so in an effort to compete for attention and attendees, events have to be innovative and offer more value. The tried and true formula is still

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Evolving Event Standards & Trends