Week 6

Week 6 Homework Summary (click to expand)

Refer to the Week 5 email for all the details and links

Submit your Week 1-6 homework before Feb 21 to earn the Deck of Drills!

DDP coursework: Start Module 4 when it opens on Saturday, and complete up to the end of Unit 2 by March 4.

Video study:

1. Required: Watch Jeremy's simple WCS line dance & record as many Tactics and their Techniques as you can identify. 

2. Optional Upgrade: Study the South African line dance Jerusalema according to the instructions in the Week 6 email.

Break Week next week

Thursday Feb 18, 2021

  1. 03m20sHow and when to prioritize tactics
  2. 14m10sMyles’ Week 4 feedback video in the “Guides” tab of the Campsite
  3. 16m18sShout out to the SUPER creative connection practice in the wild
  4. 20m21sLaw of Inertia and role responsibilities in social dancing
  5. 24m50sWhat to do if your fridge door is too heavy when doing the Fridge Drill
  6. 31m00sLearning to identify tactics: Marcus and Tren video
  7. 40m30sHow much of these drills are accurate for real dancing?
  8. 51m30sIs it possible to anchor with anchor foot in front?
  9. 54m54sHow do we maintain connection through outside turns?
  10. 58m25sIf you get feedback that you are too heavy, what does that mean?
  11. 1h36sIf you get feedback that you are too light, what does that mean?
  12. 1h01m40sIf you are rushing the 1 as a follower, what is the cause?
  13. 1h02m56sIf you are pulling the follower out of their anchor, what is the cause?
  14. 1h05m00sTessa’s Mario story about anticipating
  15. 1h09m10sSpotlight critique: John Cichon
  16. 1h20m25sSubmit your Week 1-5 homework by Feb 21 to earn a Deck of Drills!
  17. 1h21m12sHomework: Video Study

Saturday Feb 20, 2021

  1. 03m47sHow and when to prioritize tactics
  2. 13m40sMyles’ Week 4 feedback video in the “Guides” tab of the Campsite
  3. 16m54sShout out to the SUPER creative connection practice in the wild
  4. 19m20sLaw of Inertia and role responsibilities in social dancing
  5. 23m30sWhat to do if your fridge door is too heavy when doing the Fridge Drill?
  6. 28m00sLearning to identify tactics: Marcus and Tren video
  7. 39m44sHow do these connection drills relate to real dancing?
  8. 47m00sPush turns vs paddle turns vs crossing arcs for slow outside turn to anchor
  9. 53m07sHow would a follower know if the leader was requesting an elevation change?
  10. 58m58sIf you get feedback that you are too heavy, what does that mean?
  11. 1h00sIf you get feedback that you are too light, what does that mean?
  12. 1h01m30sIf you are rushing the 1 as a follower, what is the cause?
  13. 1h04m10sIf you are pulling the follower out of their anchor, what is the cause?
  14. 1h06m50sTessa’s Mario story about anticipating
  15. 1h15m50sSpotlight critique: Vicky
  16. 1h26m45sSubmit your Week 1-5 homework by Feb 21 to earn a Deck of Drills!
  17. 1h27m30sHomework: Video Study

Week 5

Week 5 Homework Summary (click to expand)

Refer to the Week 5 email for all the details and links

  • Finish up to the end of DDP 3.3.6 (Steering)
  • Experiment with connection practice out in the wild! Post a <2 min video(s) of you practicing elasticity or steering skills with anything besides your fridge. Tag your video with Week 5 and add it to the Homework Credit sheet
  • Submit the links to your homework posts for Weeks 1-5 to earn a Homework Incentive Prize!
  • Craving live feedback? Apply for a spotlight critique

Thursday Feb 11, 2021

  1. 02m40sBetter Posture Better Dance workshop with Gabriel
  2. 10m45sSpotlight Critique: Bob
  3. 24m40sSpotlight Critique: Noriko
  4. 37m30sCommon errors from Week 4
  5. 51m35sCan’t use a fridge?
  6. 52m40sCan the follower product catch?
  7. 56m00sEasy error when trying to catch
  8. 1h00sWhat to do with significant height difference in Jeannie
  9. 1h02m50sPosting vs catching
  10. 1h07m34sIf there is not enough recoil, should F walk forward?
  11. 1h10m30sMomentum Experiments
  12. 1h21m30sHomework review

Saturday Feb 13, 2021

  1. 04s5 New videos added to DDP
  2. 07m40sBetter Posture Better Dance workshop with Gabriel Feb 20
  3. 14m25sSpotlight Critique: Ali and Migali
  4. 34m05sCommon errors from Week 4: Fridge CASL too fast, keeping arm too short with scarf, compression catch hesitation
  5. 45m30sHow to align the body during sideways fridge CASL drill
  6. 52m30sCan’t use a fridge, alternatives?
  7. 53m40sHow to compensate for partner’s missing momentum skills
  8. 1h05m30sInteractive experiments
  9. 1h14m10sHave you experienced your first KISS?
  10. 1h16m40sMyles’ feedback video plan for Week 4
  11. 1h20m15sHomework review - only 1 task!
  12. 1h23m35sBoing Montage
  13. 1h27m45sDECK OF DRILLS bonus offer!!

Week 4

Week 4 Homework Summary (click to expand)

  • Finish up to the end of DDP 3.3.4 (Primary Steering Skills)
  • Video homework
    1. If you have a partner:
      1. Boing practice
      2. Jeannie compressions
    2. If you are solo:
      1. Fridge drills
      2. Self-Compression boings
    3. EVERYONE: Scarf drill
  • Submit your spinning video for the montage
  • Craving live feedback? Apply for a spotlight critique
  • Thursday, Feb 4, 2021

    1. 01m15sBlack history month: crediting the roots of Swing
    2. 04m24sCheck in with your AB
    3. 08m18sKinesiologist Workshop: Better Posture, Better Dance
    4. 11m00sCoaching: Styling videos: Be a farmer, not a hunter
    5. 15m00sCoaching: Reflecting on Experiential learning
    6. 19m40sCoaching: Positioning and precision
    7. 32m30sKnee Pops action-reaction
    8. 38m20sFred & Ginger experiment
    9. 41m26sFred and Ginger and Gene
    10. 48m55sSingle-tracking vs double-tracking
    11. 54m15sModule 3 review
    12. 54m53sRoberta Spotlight - using the band and scale
    13. 59m05sC.A.S.L - Catch, Anchor, Stretch, Lead
    14. 1h02m30sReminder to submit your Spin Montage videos
    15. 1h02m45sPreparing homework: Fridge Drill
    16. 1h09m50sInteractive tests
    17. 1h14m52sHomework Summary

    Saturday, Feb 6, 2021

    1. 50sBlack history month: crediting the roots of Swing
    2. 01m49sReminder to submit your Spin Montage videos
    3. 02m55sCheck in with your AB
    4. 08m48sCheckpoint 2, results of the survey questions
    5. 09m36sKinesiologist Workshop: Better Posture, Better Dance
    6. 11m08sCoaching videos - homework
    7. 12m11sStyling videos: Be a farmer, not a hunter
    8. 16m30sCoaching: Reflecting on Experiential learning
    9. 19m48sClarification on Coaching: Positioning and precision
    10. 32m23sKnee Pops action-reaction
    11. 38m17sFred & Ginger experiment
    12. 41m45sFred and Ginger and Gene
    13. 46m22sQuestion - Demo/explanation Flicking the leg
    14. 49m16sFridge Drill Demo & Coaching
    15. 1h04m10sHomework WITH partner
    16. 1h06m36sHomework WITHOUT partner
    17. 1h09m30sHomework for all
    18. 1h17m30sWhat music should we use (Epidemic or no?)

    Break Week 1

    Break Week Dares (click to expand)

    See details and links in the email


    Dare 1: Post the screen selfie photo on your personal profile and tag M&T 

    Dare 2: Do SOUL TRAIN travelling groove dance in unusual areas (use Myles' new Groove Epidemic playlist in the Library and post in the Campsite)

    Dare 3: Submit 15 seconds of your favourite SpinAbility drill for the group video montage (to the Google folder)

    Promo day Sunday: feel free to promote anything you think dancers would enjoy in the Campsite.

    Thursday, Jan 28, 2021

    1. 1h15m16sDare 1: post the selfie on your personal profile and tag M&T1h15m20sDare 2: Do SOUL TRAIN travelling groove dance in unusual areas (use Myles' new Groove Epidemic playlist in the Library and post in the Campsite)1h17m40sDare 3: Submit 15 seconds of your favourite SpinAbility drill for the group video montage (to the Google folder)1h19m45sPromo day Sunday: feel free to promote anything you think dancers would enjoy in the Campsite.

    Saturday, Jan 30, 2021

    1. 1h15m16sDare 1: post the selfie on your personal profile and tag M&T1h15m20sDare 2: Do SOUL TRAIN travelling groove dance in unusual areas (use Myles' new Groove Epidemic playlist in the Library and post in the Campsite)1h17m40sDare 3: Submit 15 seconds of your favourite SpinAbility drill for the group video montage (to the Google folder)1h19m45sPromo day Sunday: feel free to promote anything you think dancers would enjoy in the Campsite.

    Week 3

    Week 3 Homework Summary (click to expand)

    See details and links in the email

    1. DDP coursework
    Finish to the end of Module 2, start Module 3

    2. Video homework

    1. Grapevine with knee pops 
    2. Knee Pulsing/Popping with a rhythm

    1. “Spin & spit”
    2. Fred & Ginger with Bootcamp bonus

    3.  Prepare for Week 4
    Look for these resources in the Library:

    • How to train your Dragon
    • How to navigate an arrangement with your social isolation “pod”

    Thursday, Jan 21, 2021

    1. 2h03m55sAre you missing an AB?09m30sNext week is BREAK WEEK14m18sModule 2 Review19m35sWeek 2 homework review:20m25sTaking imperfect action26m50sHappy Birthday corrections39m30sThe root cause of over rotating grapevine?41m45sCurious about straightening the legs?58m42sGroove & Pulse progressions and refinements1h03m40sDemo of homework1h07m20sNauseous? Why does it happen, and how can I mitigate?1h08m30sSpin and Spit Drill1h15m00sSpinAbility cheat sheet1h16m25sHow to train your dance dragon for Module 31h23m24sHow to triple step while walking forward?

    Saturday, Jan 23, 2021

    1. 06m04sAre you missing an AB?11m15sNext week is break week15m10sModule 2 review20m45sWeek 2 homework review21m00sTaking Imperfect Action24m45sHappy Birthday correction27m45sGrapevine correction37m30sHow to engage the ankle muscles for turnout38m40sObsessing about straightening the legs43m30sMyles close up bent knee intention45m25sHow do I know if I’m keeping my pitch throughout my dancing?49m15sWeek 2 Homework55m50sGroove & pulse progressions1h02m37sGrapevine with knee pop1h05m40sSpinning demo1h08m05sFred and Ginger and Gene1h13m00sHow to train your dance dragon1h16m20sSpinability Drill Progressions Cheat Sheet

    Week 2

    Week 2 Homework Summary (click to expand)

    See details and links in the email

    1. DDP coursework: Continue in Module 2 
    2. It's Fitness Week! 
    -- Fitness Resources worksheet in the Library
    -- Post your favourite online fitness resources and/or video or photo of you doing some fitness!

    3. Video homework 
    -- Grapevine with swivels: Find this video in Unit 3 (Turning) Lesson 2.
    --FAC Day 6: Singing/speaking Happy Birthday or Row Row Row Your Boat

    4.  Prepare equipment for end of January
    -- Thera-Band 3-metre elastic band 
    -- Analog 20lb Tension Scale 

    5. Smarter Drills worksheet - optional

    Week 2 - Jan 14, 2021

    1. 09m30sHow to know you’re ready (white board model of skill ease vs proficiency)13m57sHow to make your drills “smarter”27m58sWeek 1 homework review34m30sPitch Video: “2 inches shorter” example45m00sFitness Week!49m48sQuestion about rolling the landing foot forward in drills57m07sHomework for this week:57m35sGrapevine (in Lesson 3.2)1h01m35sHappy Birthday Drill (in FAC Day 6)1h08m15sHow to structure & pace your homework and drills1h13m05sThe value of social practicing1h19m30sTools that you are going to need for Partnership module1h23m22sHomework Review

    Week 2 - Jan 16, 2021

    1. 03m36sObservations from the Checkpoint 1 survey11m55sModule 1 and 2 review13m00sHow to know you’re ready (white board model of skill ease vs proficiency)19m45sHow to make your drills “smarter” - worksheet32m54sHomework review: Week 136m17sCommon errors video feedback45m15sPitch Video: “2 inches shorter” example50m00sFitness Week!55m00sShould I expect to feel like I'm not ready yet for the FAC?56m40sIdeal foot activation in suede signatures1h30sClock drill forward weight transfer1h07m25sHomework for Week 21h08m10sGrapevine1h10m30sHappy Birthday Drill1h17m45sHow to structure & pace your homework and drills1h19m25sThe value of social practicing1h24m25sHomework Recap1h26m00sTools to acquire for Module 3 (end of Jan)

    Week 1

    Week 1 Homework Summary (click to expand)

    See details and links in the email

    1. Choose/Make a benchmark video
    2. Video homework: 3 drills from the Footwork Agility Challenge: 

    • FAC Day 2: Oversize Steps Bee Drill with or without triples (without music)
    • FAC Day 3: Clock: both small and large
    • FAC Day 5: Suede Signatures in place using your contrabody

    3. Theory Modules: finish Module 1 when last 2 Units are available, including FMS inventory
    4. Read Drills Gone Wild article

    Week 1 - Jan 7, 2021

    1. 01m25sHow to interact in the coaching calls09m10sModule 1 Review: TTS, FMS Inventory17m36sThe Benefits of using the FMS inventory - Maverick23m00sOrientation Homework review - posting a Drill30m03sReminder about the 4 different types of Feedback32m30sWhat IS and is NOT a drill44m25sWhat’s the difference between a drill and an exercise?55m18sNew Material for Week 1: Footwork Agility Challenge1h04m40sAnyone still looking for an Accountabilibuddy?1h05m33sRobert’s encouragement1h08m30sHomework

    Week 1 - Jan 9, 2021

    1. 03m50sHow to slow down video playback & get subtitles09m15sModule 1 Review - FMS Inventory26m05sOrientation Homework review31m10sReminder of Four Areas of Feedback34m10sWhat IS and is NOT a drill54m30sNew Material from Module 1: Footwork Agility Challenge1h03m55sAccountabilibuddies1h05m55sRobert’s encouragement1h11m30sPosting to announce a Practice1h13m24sHomework1h20m48sHow much time should we practice?1h21m38sDo we need to narrate verbally on homework videos?1h22m20sWhen is the cut off for posting homework drills?1h24m25sCan partners who are both participating use one video for consolidated homework videos?

    Orientation - Jan 3, 2021

    1. 01m53sIntroducing Team Swing Literacy04m02sAll about the Coaching calls14m40sNew additions to the Website24m25sAll about the Campsite29m00sFeedback Expectations31m34sHow do we store videos to keep?44m45sAll about Accountabilibuddies55m10sAll about Practice Pods1h07m35sSyllabus1h13m17sHomework1h21m30sExtra notes for those in the Teachers’ Upgrade

    Homework Summary (see details and links in the email)

    1. Post a selfie video in the Campsite describing & demonstrating your favourite practice drill (not from Myles & Tessa) in 30 seconds or less. 

    2. Use the Accountabilibuddies worksheet to find at least one Accountabilibuddy.

    3. Work on Module 1: Train WCS Smarter