Cool, Calm, & Confident

Competitors' Workshop with Myles & Tessa

Get practical coaching on how to focus under pressure and dance your best in competitions 

March 11  4-6:30pm
at Dance Vancouver Studio

"Just have fun!", they say. LOL yeah right. Let's be honest. 

Everyone gets nervous in competitions.

So "just have fun" is much easier said than done.

"FUN" is an outcome, not a process. 

So then the challenge is: how can you access more fun in competitions...

...when you have so many other things on your mind...

  • Trying to remember all your skills you’ve been working on
  • Being watched and cheered for by your friends
  • Showing the judges what they are looking for
  • Worrying about if they saw that mistake you just made
  • Feeling lost because you don’t know the song
  • Oh right - taking care of your partner!
  • Handling partners who are more nervous than you

How can you have fun under all that pressure?

By practicing under pressure....

...guided by patient and encouraging coaches who know exactly what you need at your level...

Cool, Calm, & Confident Competitors workshop

Get practical coaching on how to focus under pressure and dance your best in competitions

March 11  4-6:30pm
at Dance Vancouver Studio

This workshop will run if a minimum of 10 dancers register by March 6, so tell your friends!

What level is this for?

Well, since competitors of all levels get nervous and need to practicing focusing under pressure, this workshop is appropriate for all levels, from Newcomer competitors to AllStar competitors.

We will be providing variations of every drill and game to challenge each level of dancer. You do not have to have competition experience.

This workshop is NOT for beginner dancers. If you have never partner danced before, or you are in your first few months of partner dancing, we recommend taking classes here: SwingSoul Beginners

What's the plan?

Practicing Under Pressure

We're going to give you specific projects or games to play while dancing that are designed to challenge you (adapted for your level) to stay present and focused, tune out distractions, and handle stressors.

Hot Seat Coaching

Imagine if you could have a "corner-man" or an "angel on your shoulder" calling out encouragement and cues to you while you were dancing? "Eyes up!", "Nice body roll!", "There's a break coming in 8 counts!" Every workshop participant will have the opportunity to have us coach you live in the moment like this. This is a powerful learning experience that helps you become more self-aware and stay present and focused in the moment.

Judges' Review

If you competed in the Easter Swing Ticket Tournament, you have the option to have your video analyzed by judges so we can give you feedback and encouragement. Then, get a chance for a do-over! Dance again live, implementing the skills you learned in the workshop, with the support of peers who really understand the game you're playing!

Come dancing afterward so you can test-drive your skills in the wild! 

Saturday night: BC Swing Dance Club social dance party at Confederation Centre  8-11pm

Sunday night: SwingSoul social dance party at Dance Vancouver Studio 8-11pm

More about Myles & Tessa

Partners for 20 years, Myles & Tessa have dominated the Showcase division and compete at the highest level in improvised competition. They also teach workshops, train teachers, judge and perform on the global circuit.

Tessa has been professionally practicing physical education, movement analysis, and pedagogy for the past 30 years, in the context of multiple sports and dance styles, with degrees in both Kinesiology and Education.

Myles has a lifetime of dance background, including classical solo dance training, Ballroom, Salsa, Theatre Arts, and 6 UCWDC World Championship titles. along with being classically trained and studying the inner workings of over 20 different dances.

They are creators of a teaching methodology called Swing Literacy which uses the science of learning to help dancers learn WCS faster and train smarter. They specialize in training dance teachers to do use it too, and tour globally delivering this system.

Register now

Location: Dance Vancouver Studio: 1627 W. Broadway at Fir
