If you haven’t heard about this psychological concept, you need to. Understanding it can have a profound effect on your dancing, but also other areas of your life you may be self-sabotaging.
Let me give you a little definition first, then I'll discuss how this could be...
the most important thing you ever learn in dancing.
Defining Growth Mindset
Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck’s research results and application are summarized in her book, Mindset: the New Psychology of Success.
Her theory is that everyone falls somewhere on a continuum based on their understandings about where ability comes from.
People on one end of the continuum believe that success (and failure) is based on innate ability (or the lack of it). Dweck describes this fixed theory of intelligence as a ‘fixed mindset’.
In a fixed mindset, students believe their (and others’) basic abilities/intelligence/talents are just fixed traits. They are born with a certain amount that is static and then their goal becomes to maintain a “smart” appearance and make excuses to avoid exposing weaknesses. Fixed mindset people tend to come across as stubborn, defeatist, defensive, insecure, or uncooperative.

At the other end of the continuum are those people who believe success is based on a growth mindset. In a growth mindset, students understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence. They don’t necessarily think everyone’s the same or anyone can be a genius, but they believe everyone can get smarter/better if they work at it.
Growth mindset people come across as secure, open-minded, adaptable, hard working, and problem-solving. Since dancing is a physical activity, we can compare dance training to sport training:
How this applies to your dancing
Most importantly, mindsets have a huge impact upon our understanding of success and failure.
A fixed mindset leads to dread of failure, feeling that it reflects badly upon you as an individual.
A growth mindset instead embraces failure as an opportunity to learn and improve your skills. Taking on new challenges outside your comfort zone is exciting, empowering, and makes you stronger. Your risk tolerance is higher: you don’t shy away from new projects like dancing with better dancers or trying a challenging class or choreography, knowing that there is value in failing, so there is nothing to fear.
“When you enter a mindset, you enter a new world. In one world, effort is a bad thing. It, like failure, means you’re not smart or talented. If you were, you wouldn’t need effort. In the other world, effort IS what makes you smart or talented. What’s so valuable about the latter world is that it’s marked by a passion for learning rather than a hunger for approval.
People with a growth mindset have a voracious appetite for learning, constantly seeking out the kind of input that they can metabolize into learning and constructive action. Not only are people with this mindset not discouraged by failure, but they don’t actually see themselves as failing in those situations–they see themselves as learning.”
Growth gives you wisdom
As you progress your skills and gain experience, you also gain wisdom. You learn what works and what doesn’t, so failure becomes less frequent. You develop higher standards, but you also need to push beyond your comfort zone in order not to stagnate.
I like to compare this to my wardrobe. Over many years of trial and error, I have experimented with all the trends and silhouettes and have carefully curated my wardrobe to designs and colours that look good on me. I am now able to shop and coordinate outfits efficiently and effectively. But it is important to keep testing new styles, not only to take advantage of new technology, but also to check in regularly with myself if my own tastes have changed.
You may have been dancing for years and are happy with your repertoire and style, but this dance evolves, like fashion and technology. Maybe it’s time to check in and audit your dance using Growth Mindset to make sure you are not stagnating and missing new fun toys and tools.
Here’s an awesome video (18min) that does a good job of introducing Growth Mindset and how to build yours.
How to tell if Fixed Mindset holding you back?
With a fixed mindset, there are feelings of powerlessness and learned helplessness. This can lead to the development of a self-defeating identity, accompanied by toxic personal statements like “I can’t do this” or “I’m not smart/coordinated/graceful/strong enough.”
This could be holding you back not only in class with learning challenging material, but also in competitions when you psych yourself out of your performance before it has even started.
It could also be deflected to others: “He’ll never change”, or a complacent or defeatist attitude: “That’s just the way it is”.
Finally, this could lead to egotistic behaviours designed to protect the sense of self by hurting, blaming, or deflating others.
What a Fixed Mindset dancer looks like on the dance floor
- Thinking you're a "natural" at certain skills
- Blaming your partner for things going wrong
- Getting down on yourself after not making finals, or upset about placements
- Resorting to basic footwork because you can’t do those fancy synchopations
- Deciding you “can’t dance” with certain types or levels of dancer
- Disappointed when a competitive partner doesn’t perform well with you
- Disappointed when a partner doesn’t have certain techniques you expect
- Overbearing conversation: hijacking follow or dominating lead
- Assuming you "already learned all you need to" about a particular topic
- Assuming that the Pros and advanced dancers only dance with you out of pity
- Assuming a bad dance was your fault exclusively
- Always dancing “your dance” without adapting to your partner
- Justifying all the reasons it’s others’ responsibility to ask you to dance
- Standing in line to dance with Pros or declining dances with beginners because you think you can only improve by dancing with higher level partners
- Assuming you are not good enough to take lessons from certain Pros
- Avoiding private lessons because you are afraid of being critiqued
- Taking one private lesson/workshop/instructional video/event, hating it, and deciding they must all be the same
- Thinking you are “too old/not pretty enough/not skinny enough” for the leaders to want to dance with
- Thinking “it’s too late for me, the dance has evolved and left me behind”
- Repeating a move several times because your follower isn’t “getting it”
- Comment from leaders like, “I guess you haven’t learned that one yet”, “Oh you weren’t in that workshop so you don’t know how to follow that move”, “That works on [enter other follower’s name], but not you.”
Read on for ways to approach these with a Growth Mindset!
How this applies in your community
Personally, I have grown up with a Growth Mindset as a default. While I have seen my share of people with limited innate resources, I believe all are capable of growth and progress, as long as they can get out of their own way. In fact, the tattoo on my neck is a Celtic knot that stands for constant improvement: growth and progress. I crave feedback, and am constantly striving to improve.
I’m not saying I don’t have the occasional Fixed Mindset reaction though; I’m human! But it doesn’t last long.
Everyone has been a victim of others with a Fixed Mindset, and I am no exception: I have had fixed mindset people make a snap judgement about me decide that that’s who I am, period, end-of-story. They did not spend enough time with me to learn enough for a valid judgement, nor to discover my growth mindset. Chances are, the very next time they meet me, I am already evolving, and deserve a second opinion.
Be sure to give others the benefit of the doubt – avoid assumptions and stay listening. You know those “difficult personalities” in your community? Every community has them! Trust me, we’ve seen ’em all!
But if you take on a Growth Mindset, you can see possibilities for improvement in dealing with these characters, in managing your relationships, and in working together with other players in the dance community.
When you expose your growth mindset, it not only feels like a relief, it might also change the mindset of others who have had their mind “fixed” about you.
What a Fixed Mindset dancer looks like in the community
- Not participating in workshops aimed at your level and interests, especially free ones
- Avoiding dancing with certain people for years because you had a bad experience one time
- Boycotting dances when a certain DJ is playing
- Only choosing DJ music to suit your own tastes, regardless of the audience
- Teaching the same patterns or material regardless of the student or audience’s needs
- Teaching something a certain way for no reason other than “that’s the way you learned it”
- Neglecting to update/upgrade teaching skills on a regular basis
- Avoiding promoting other WCS activities outside of your school
- Staying with one teacher/school only because that’s who you started with
- Bashing any music that is outside of your preferred genre
- Refusing to collaborate with other promoters or teachers in your area
- Upset when a friend you started WCS with surpasses you
- Upset when your friends qualify for an auditioned level but you don’t
- Quitting your group classes because you think you have learned it all
- Inflating or lying about titles, awards, certifications, compliments, etc to boost your perceived status
It's possible that in many of these examples, there might also be mental health issues involved that have nothing to do with dance, such as depression, anxiety, or trauma. So if you feel exceptionally triggered by any of these, consider that embracing Growth Mindset is a good start, but should be followed up with professional help.
Allow this to help you have patience with members of your community who tend to struggle with these too.
25 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset
- Acknowledge and embrace imperfections. Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome them.
- View challenges as opportunities. Having a growth mindset means relishing opportunities for self-improvement. Learn more about how to fail well.
- Try different learning tactics. There’s no one-size-fits-all model for learning. What works for one person may not work for you. Learn about learning strategies.
- Follow the research on brain plasticity. The brain isn’t fixed; the mind shouldn’t be either.
- Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning.” When you make a mistake or fall short of a goal, you haven’t failed; you’ve learned.
- Stop seeking approval. When you prioritise approval over learning, you sacrifice your own potential for growth.
- Value the process over the end result. Intelligent people enjoy the learning process, and don’t mind when it continues beyond an expected time frame.
8. Cultivate a sense of purpose. Dweck’s research also showed that students with a growth mindset had a greater sense of purpose. Keep the big picture in mind.
9. Celebrate growth with others. If you truly appreciate growth, you’ll want to share your progress with others.
10. Emphasize growth over speed. Learning fast isn’t the same as learning well, and learning well sometimes requires allowing time for mistakes.
11. Reward actions, not traits. Acknowledge when you're doing something smart, not just being smart.
12. Redefine “genius.” The myth’s been busted: genius requires hard work, not talent alone.
13. Portray criticism as positive. You don’t have to use the term “constructive criticism”, but you do have to believe in the concept.
14. Dissassociate improvement from failure. Stop assuming that “room for improvement” translates into failure.
15. Provide regular opportunities for reflection. Give yourself (and your students) time to reflect on their learning at least once a day.
16. Place effort before talent. Hard work should always be rewarded before inherent skill.
17. Highlight the relationship between learning and “brain training.” The brain is like a muscle that needs to be worked out, just like the body.
18. Cultivate grit. Students with that extra bit of determination will be more likely to seek approval from themselves rather than others.
19. Abandon the image. “Naturally smart” sounds just about as believable as “spontaneous generation.” You won’t achieve the image if you’re not ready for the work.
20. Use the word “yet.” Dweck says “not yet” has become one of her favourite phrases. Whenever you (or your students) are struggling with a task, just say you haven’t mastered it yet.
21. Learn from other people’s mistakes. It’s not always wise to compare yourself to others, but it is important to realize that humans share the same weaknesses.
22. Make a new goal for every goal accomplished. You’ll never be done learning. Just because your midterm exam is over doesn’t mean you should stop being interested in a subject. Growth-minded people know how to constantly create new goals to keep themselves stimulated.
23. Take risks in the company of others. Stop trying to save face all the time and just let yourself goof up now and then. It will make it easier to take risks in the future.
24. Think realistically about time and effort. It takes time to learn. Don’t expect to master every topic under the sun in one sitting.
25. Take ownership over your attitude. Once you develop a growth mindset, own it. Acknowledge yourself as someone who possesses a growth mentality and be proud to let it guide you throughout your dance career.
Taken from 25 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset
How can you change from a Fixed to a Growth Mindset?
Nothing is permanent! If you recognize that you often or occasionally get stuck in a Fixed Mindset, fear not, you can learn to change it! Here’s an excellent article about changing from a fixed to a growth mindset: How to Change your Fixed Mindset into a Growth Mindset
When it comes to social dancing and learning with partners, the best gift you can give them is Growth Mindset.
- Being patient and allowing them to learn at their own pace
- Verbalizing encouragement that their efforts are working and are appreciated
- Adjusting your expectations so both of you can be happier
- Giving them the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming their intentions or attitudes are negative/apathetic/antagonistic.
- Offer them Growth Mindset tips that you find useful for yourself: "I sometimes think that too, so to get unstuck, I tell myself ____."
Want More?
Like this article? This is just the tip of the iceberg! There are dozens more in the Coach’s Corner Blog. Check them out and pass them on! Here's one along these same lines...
Are you winning yet? “Winning” is not only about the final placement. You don’t even have to be competitive to be “winning”. In our WCS competition scene, while many dancers ambitiously chase points, others are kicking their butts in other aspects – winning games that have no trophies or prize money, but are invaluable nonetheless. The word
It’s beautiful to think that dancing with a growth mindset can positively affect all aspects of your life. My granddaughter wants to get started in dance for fun. We’ll be sure to keep your tips in mind as we constantly look for improvement and growth through film and media!
Thanks for having this first!
You nailed it!
I love theory!
In fact the nursing concept is built on theory, BTW I am a nurse practitioner! My national certifications requires us to receive continuing medical education (CME) to keep the lisensure up!!!!
Today was an ah-ha moment in applying what I do on a regular basis to my dancing!
– Stephanie
Such a great place to start this process! Getting our mind set, beliefs about ourselves, and self-talk is SO valuable to learning a new set of theory and movement skills!
I like the statement, “Hiding from your weaknesses means you will never overcome them.” This is my new goal for this boot camp. I’m going to be open and vulnerable with my dance and take in as much information as I can so I can focus my practice and move my dance forward. I’m looking forward to this journey with my learning group.
Emphasize growth over speed. Do the work. Boom ,
Love this…applies to so much, and love that it also adds to my life and professional world in what I facilitate. I advocate a TON for practice (especially deliberate practice) as the food of mastery, and feel deeply confirmed in this after reading/watching the video in this section. I’m also a big believer in questioning any sentence that communicates some version of ‘that’s just the way I am’…and messing with those beliefs. YAY for disrupting patterns and learning new ones!
Thanks for beginning with the growth mindset principle. I’ve been nervous about using the online format because I think I can’t do it. That is going to change!
My mantra now is, have patience , aim low, take action. As this applies to my dance, I’m enthusiastic to learn new ways of thinking to improve and add onto what I know.
I like the idea of self-reflection. I am an experienced, accomplished hairstylist .I remember my first haircut….
Loved the Aim Low – One Skill concept. In business we constantly teach that Leadership is a learned skill vs innate talent. Now I see how this can relate to my dance education too.
One of my many ‘AH HA” moments….”not yet”. What a gift… a simple little statement.
I really enjoyed what Larry Wilkins had to say in the video having watched it a second time. 2020 was definitely all about the "growth mindset" and I think this philosophy really helped me a lot in all areas of my life; not just dance.
Very clearly written
I always believed that some people have natural talent, but that everyone can improve. I think it comes down to recognizing opportunity, and going for it. With my careers, I always wanted to learn more, to do more. In my latest, I was top student. After grad, I got a graduate degree and about 40 years worth of Continuing Education credits in about 3 years (but I can't carry them forward, so I have to keep training/learning). I learned as much on my own as in formal settings. And I took it a step further by creating two new modalities that have proven to be super effective.
In dance, it took me much longer to improve – 30 years to get to the point where I finally feel comfortable in most dance settings. Now I am in the position of starting a new dance community where none have existed for a long time, and since I want to die here, I have to put in the effort to make it happen. So, this is the right opportunity for me to really take things to the next level, with the Bootcamp and Teacher Tract. I want this!
I am an educator and always thought of myself as having a Growth Mindset…usually. When I was moving to Portugal, I was very nervous about learning the language and I "was no good at languages," and had avoided learning a second one. I remember recognizing my Fixed Mindset and working actively to dismantle it. I started wondering where else I might have a Fixed Mindset and not realize it. I realized that I was giving myself a lot of negative messaging about myself from the perspective of my dance, and by association, me. I am developing a belief in myself as part of developing an Open Mindset around my dance. The more I can let go of the Fixed Mindset, the more I am enjoying my dance and worry less about "others."
MY feeling of not being good enough prevents me from dancing up with follows who I view as stronger than me.
In depth articles I need to read again.
Wow!! A lot of GREAT information!!
Absolutely Insightful material!!! Excellent to reflect on this!
Thank you for your amazing insight and effort for gathering and putting all these info up and providing us this ultimate set of Growth Mindset page! This is a life lesson we all need. I felt like I need to come back to this article time to time because I grow up little by little, and I'd probably have a new insight again next time I read this article.
I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I have to work hard train ugly and enjoy!
Gonna use this phrase a lot from this point on: "I haven't mastered it yet!" Love it! Fantastic article. I use many of these concepts with my Health Coaching clients.
Zo Carroll
Belief leads to Action leads to Growth and taking small steps and mastering them is what I would see as the Spiral of Success. As a music teacher for 36 years that was always my aim to find the small things each student could do that would spur them on to achieving more. I just need to be that way with myself even more.
This is a great way to help focus on something very helpful and encouraging as we all get started. It really resonated with me.
It was interesting to read all the different aspects of a fixed and growth mind set. Although I could identify with many of the growth mind set, I also found some fixed mind set mentality. That became refreshing to know because I could see how that would and does affect my dancing attitude and joy in dancing. it allows me to take more responsibility for my fun and pleasure in dancing and not place my mind set on the other partner.
This is so very true! I had an "aha" moment today in a private lesson with Heidi Dezell – I mentioned that I wasn't a kinesthetic learner. Rather than correcting me, she asked "is that true, or is kinesthetic learning just not a muscle you've ever used before now?" and she was absolutely right. It's not that I can't learn movement skills; it's that I have little-to-no practice learning movement skills as an adult.
So thanks to Heidi for helping me re-frame my mindset today. If I ever end up teaching, I hope to be able to incorporate similar techniques.