The Conversation Game:

How to Lead & Follow Invitations to Play in West Coast Swing

90min virtual workshop with Myles & Tessa

Want to create better dance conversations?

Leaders, do you...

  1. 1
    Want to give your followers freedom but are confused about the rules?
  2. 2
    Wish more followers would play more while dancing with you? 
  3. 3
    Struggle with being able to tell when the follower is done and you should resume leading?
  4. 4
    Feel confused about conflicting advice about how to communicate invitations to play? 

Followers, do you...

  1. 1
    Want to express yourself but don't want to annoy your leader by hijacking?
  2. 2
    Panic when a leader looks at you expecting you to play?
  3. 3
    Struggle to recognize when the leader is offering a play opportunity, and by then it's too late?
  4. 4
    Feel confused about conflicting advice on how to communicate to the leader when you want to contribute something?

You need to train in the
Conversation Game!

West Coast Swing is known for being the most equitable partner dance: lots of opportunity for followers to express themselves and contribute to the dance.

But the rules have been unclear and full of mixed messages:  

...hijacking is bad, but speaking up is good, but don't interrupt, leaders are in charge, but the leads are just suggestions, and it shouldn't be a dictatorship, but be a good follower, don't be boring, fill the space, make suggestions....

Ugh! So confusing, right?

Let's clear it all up. 

In this workshop, we're going to explain:

  • How followers can avoid hijacking with a more effective method 
  • Which is better: "initiation leads" or "intentional leads" and why 
  • 3 types of Invitation Leads that require different sets of connection techniques
  • How to be able to tell when the follower is done/ready


What type of play you should aim for at your level

Specific patterns that work best for encouraging play

How followers can fill the space and time offered

The Conversation Game

90min virtual WCS workshop with Myles & Tessa

How This Workshop Can Help Your WCS

This 1 hour workshop will reveal the big picture of the conversation game in West Coast Swing and the rules you need to know to play the game at Beginner, Experienced, and Advanced levels.

You'll get more balance in your dance conversations

By breaking up endless patterns and providing (and taking advantage of) opportunities for the follower to contribute, you can  create a more balanced conversation.

You'll better understand what your partner is trying to do

Leaders, learn how to more precisely communicate when you want to be followed explicitly and when you want the follower to play. 
Followers, learn to decode these intentions and communicate your own.

You'll be more confident playing instead of panicking

Once you understand the rules and expectations, you can avoid confusion and feel more confident about making styling choices or noticing when your partner has something to contribute.

Do I need a partner?

This particular workshop will be much more effective if you do it with a partner so you can experience the connection instructions and ask questions live to clarify. 

Sneak Preview

For the past year and a half, we (Myles & Tessa) have been working with thousands of dancers online in our Swing Literacy challenges, Bootcamps, and coaching programs. Here's a sample of the type of content from another one of our speciality workshops, You Gotta Groove. While that one was all about body pulse, this Invitations workshop will be aimed at leading and following.

About Myles & Tessa

Canadian Champions and Myles Munroe & Tessa Cunningham Munroe are West Coast Swing veterans who are known for their versatility, athleticism, and balanced dance conversations.

As master teachers and ambassadors of WCS, they have been touring internationally for 19 years, teaching, judging, and performing, and leading the Showcase division.

Since 2009, they have been teaching online comprehensive WCS training programs for teachers and dancers. The Conversation Game workshop is a tiny sample of their signature Swing Literacy development method they use to help students #trainWCSsmarter. 

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