1.2.1 Simple Physics

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  • Love this comparison .. started learning to play golf this summer 2020 and SO often thought back to the Bootcamp and DDP approach to teaching and learning WCS! 😀

  • when i came into wcs around marchundefined april of 2018 i quickly came to see all the ways it can be taught , and how so many people had different words to mean one thing. i started a wcs glossary of sorts so i could remember it all. Everything said is here is sooo true. It didn't make me angry just real confused for a few months until i saw this is a pattern and to roll with it. I love how each person explains something different , not everyone's teaching style is the same. I came from having 0 physical background ( as in my muscles were under developed) so, this made the dance so much harder! I didn't have a base line in my body to even start a baseline for my dance haha. so, it took 6-9 months of dedication to see things positively changing.

  • Understanding the science behind what we do and why we do it just makes sense, yet I hadn't thought about science and dance together before taking the DDPundefined Bootcamp! Brilliant!

  • Such accurate articulation of the frustrations of learning this dance. Really resonates. It is so empowering to experience being understood, and then being given the clarity of a way out of a mess and a way forward to fulfilment.

    Doesn't matter how long ago those first days were, I am always amazed that your love and intelligence for the students and this dance never fail to shine through, move, touch, and inspire me. Thanks Tessa, thanks Myles. Love, love love.

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