the comment i made on the section before this one i should have put here lol.. jumped the gun on that one. i'll restate my comment.
This section is ME!! when I started wcs in at the end of march early april 2018, I had Z E R O dance background, and growing up with physical challenges meant i had under developed muscles, as well as muscles i had NO idea you could use. So! not only was I learning a dance, i was also learning how to use my body, listen to it, how to make it do what i wanted, build up strength ext ext.
After watching so many people dance and how you'd look around the room and everyone had their own way of dancing. Not one couple was dancing the same as another. flash forward a few months and taking in wcs asa whole i noticed that people were lacking in some things and not having a ton of foundation , but they had flashy moves. I wanted to build a strong foundation and i kept asking friends, some teachers, the question of
"How do i learn wcs?. " I kept getting similar answers of – This is how its done (i.e) the rules.- No one could really give me an answer to the how. I did eventually find 3 teacher who did this and my dance foundation started to become solid.
I have always found it so interesting that teachers aren't teaching the – This is how you dance, not these are the instructions. I know that Robert Royston teaches like this and that hour workshop blew my mind because he broke down the intro to the "How". We didn't dance during that, we were listening and he had us try certain movements solo for a min but it was all technical and i loved it.
I have said this for a couple years now ' i feel like there are gaps in my wcs, some i know of, others i have no idea how to fill" I'm so excited to be able to fill in that foundation !
Very interessting because in Germany we have some international Teacher who says this in other Words. The Core is that a lot of Dancing schools teach patterns because the people are proud the they have mastered the Pattern but they didn't progress in dancing. So some German Teachers trya to teach drills for skills but a lot of people don't like technical advice and so the Dancingschools have fear that their students leave the school ,quit the contract and the school have not enough earnings. That is more an economical question than helping the People to get a better Dancer.
the comment i made on the section before this one i should have put here lol.. jumped the gun on that one. i'll restate my comment.
This section is ME!! when I started wcs in at the end of march early april 2018, I had Z E R O dance background, and growing up with physical challenges meant i had under developed muscles, as well as muscles i had NO idea you could use.
So! not only was I learning a dance, i was also learning how to use my body, listen to it, how to make it do what i wanted, build up strength ext ext.
After watching so many people dance and how you'd look around the room and everyone had their own way of dancing. Not one couple was dancing the same as another. flash forward a few months and taking in wcs asa whole i noticed that people were lacking in some things and not having a ton of foundation , but they had flashy moves.
I wanted to build a strong foundation and i kept asking friends, some teachers, the question of
"How do i learn wcs?. " I kept getting similar answers of – This is how its done (i.e) the rules.- No one could really give me an answer to the how. I did eventually find 3 teacher who did this and my dance foundation started to become solid.
I have always found it so interesting that teachers aren't teaching the – This is how you dance, not these are the instructions. I know that Robert Royston teaches like this and that hour workshop blew my mind because he broke down the intro to the "How".
We didn't dance during that, we were listening and he had us try certain movements solo for a min but it was all technical and i loved it.
I have said this for a couple years now ' i feel like there are gaps in my wcs, some i know of, others i have no idea how to fill" I'm so excited to be able to fill in that foundation !
Very interessting because in Germany we have some international Teacher who says this in other Words. The Core is that a lot of Dancing schools teach patterns because the people are proud the they have mastered the Pattern but they didn't progress in dancing. So some German Teachers trya to teach drills for skills but a lot of people don't like technical advice and so the Dancingschools have fear that their students leave the school ,quit the contract and the school have not enough earnings. That is more an economical question than helping the People to get a better Dancer.