1.3.2 Don’t get overloaded!

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  • This is great! I have only been to a couple of conventions – but I definitely experienced "cognitive overload"! I enjoyed all the workshops I participated in, but found it very difficult to reproduce the material the next day, or the next week! I am excited to learn how to learn to take in workshop material more effectively!

  • I wish I could have brain surgery to enhance my abilities to " retain all the great content from workshops and classes" – dancers "normal" life is a constant inflow of information of all types and angles – but in the absence of that learning scheme building skills is the only way to progress and enjoy the journey

  • As I read this the third time, and the third time during COVID, and my business has picked up again, I realize that I've probably been at the edge of cognitive overload. It's not because of dance, and more a result of the extended and intensity of 'stuff' going on in the world, my clients and other folks that I love. I have found it harder to reproduce what I have been practicing and sometimes have felt like I've gone backwards, and I imagine now that it's b/c of cognitive overload, even though the 'overload' is not actually dance related.

  • I'm not sure I could ever 'finish' learning info from a class/workshop. I expect the best hope would be to take notes, organize in findable 'chunks', and find ways to use it. I do find myself reflecting back on previous classes/workshops through my current day lens, and sometimes I understand it better, and sometimes I find it less relevant, or just as a different way to say the same thing.

  • My current strategy is not to remember the whole Workshop – but to learn 1 thing that I can implement in my dance. If I manage this, I count is as a success.

  • This makes so much sense to me…music to my ears. For someone with some executive functioning difficulties, of which working memory is a part…i benefit from breaking down information into chunks…repetition …etc in order for true learning…and transference to longer term memory to allow for skill acquisition. I'm really excited about how DDP will help understand this and apply to me dance

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