1.3.4 Climbing the learning pyramid

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  • Wow thank you very much!!!
    I'm kinda realising that this does not relate to skills if I'm correct?
    It more relates to tasks I do? So in terms of tasks I execute?
    Cause if I'm thinking of rolling my feet, then I'm not sure what to create? Or recall? I'm thinking it would just boiled down to the 'levels of mastery' which will give me autonomous execution whenever I do it.
    But maybe this theory of 'Blooms taxonomy' more about patterns, and what to do? Rather then how to do it?
    Thank you for this, really enriching!!! <3

  • One discovery I made when working on pitch in the Elasticity Challenge was that it automatically made my steps smaller and need less effort. While applying the concept, I was able to notice and pay attention to other impacts it had on my dance. This fits somewhere in the taxonomy—

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