1.6.1 FMS of WCS

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  • I took the time to read 'Swing Characteristics' (from FMS's vs Character-of-Dance, suggested above) and found it most insightful and helpful !! Especially liked the first Q & A section detailing the 3 primary characteristics of WCS, and drilling down on identifying anchors. Very concise and easy to understand !

  • I loved that "Swing Characteristics" article as well… I'm really curious about the "musical identity" portion where it talks about WCS not being ideal for a Samba beat (or rumba, or cha-cha, etc.). I'd really like to understand this better. I do recall Robert Royston at an event once saying something like "hey, if it feels like you can't dance WCS to it, it's a two-step", but I (geekily) wish I knew why, rhythmically, it doesn't match up.

    • I also have heard different opinions about whether WCS should be danced to Samba music (or other "non-swing" music). As I recall, at a Rose City Swing workshop. Robert Royston said that WCS was not really suited for (or traditionally meant for) a Samba beat, as in the example of "Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran, although that song was currently popular and therefore, often played for WCS. And, other WCS teachers I have heard voiced the opinion that WCS, like some other dances, is a evolving and adapting to fit with popular music. Again, I think of the similarities between WCS and Argentine Tango, where they are both described as mostly improvisational, conversational and can be danced to many different styles of music.

  • If there was one single reason why I returned to Bootcamp it would be FMSs – I needed to come back to re-digest their meaning and step-by-step go over each of them. Even though I know what they are, in real-life dancing I know that I loose my grip on so many of them

  • The Anchor example I found insightful in differentiating Techniques, Tactics, and Strategies from each other. : How, where and when, and applying for an effect. Looking forward to learning more!

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