In the broomstick drill—Tessa mentioned using a static arm (at the end) when countering for a surprise change in pressure. I am wondering what the purpose of the static arm in this instance serves? Wanting to fully understand this drill so I can use it with my students.
Also love the CB drill. Have to try it tomorrow and the chair drill really emphasizes the CB qualities that are needed for good execution. Awesome examples
In the broomstick drill—Tessa mentioned using a static arm (at the end) when countering for a surprise change in pressure. I am wondering what the purpose of the static arm in this instance serves? Wanting to fully understand this drill so I can use it with my students.
Yes I like Jo's comment. The counterbalancing creates more elasticity and ability to create different lines and dimension to your dancing together
Also love the CB drill. Have to try it tomorrow and the chair drill really emphasizes the CB qualities that are needed for good execution. Awesome examples