3.1.5 Compression

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  • I feel that it is necessary to clarify the comment about 'passing a track relay baton.' The idea is true, but it is not referring to the moment of baton exchange alone between two runners hands. The relay allows for a certain distance to be run at full speed within which the two runners must exchange. The baton is already at maximum speed, but the receiver may only maintain its trajectory by accelerating to the same speed and collecting it assuredly. The pass in a relay is blind to the receiver, but the passer must accurately slap the baton into the hand and then it must be forcefully removed to ensure a confident exchange. While similar in theory, the impact of the baton from hand to hand must be significantly heavy in a perpendicular direction to the intended direction of momentum of both runners, namely striking down on the rearward stretched, open palm of an awaiting hand.

    • Thanks for your obviously experienced perspective! Yes, for WCS purposes, we would be omitting the slapping and snatching aspects of an authentic baton pass, and just focusing on the matching acceleration aspect. Can you imagine if “slapping and snatching” was a part of West Coast Swing? LOL

  • please comment on delaying compression later then count 2@ of a SP. As we do it the follower is still walking forward on 2 and compressing on 3@. What did I miss?

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