3.1.7 Analyzing Primary Momentum

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  • I got these “make sure your shoulder doesn’t get pulled forward” feedback a lot… it’s the “HOW” that I never got.. people advised to “make sure the arm is always bend” or to “engage my lats” – which gave me that rigid and stiff feeling, I totally disliked. I was desperately looking for a way to feel “gooey” while making sure the shoulder stays integrated. So… a big thank you Myles for the Tutorial on how to prevent your shoulder from "being pulled out"… this was a big “a-ha” moment for me and finally allows me to trust the slingshot mechanics without feeling rigid!

  • Loved Myles' "keep the elbow down" comment to avoid giving up the shoulder… as I was trying to see what I do in my own body, I do think I'm rotating my arm, allowing my shoulder to give…

  • Wow!!! Learning a lot, thank you!
    The misconceptions section is great!
    In the past I wasn't sure about he elbows and body, thanks for clearing it for me!
    A question for me – what about the closeness to the follower when the hands are close to the body? I'm still wondering about it…
    The other sections are also great, I was so confused about them…

  • Anchor means to be STABLE! A triple is not stable. Anchoring is where I stop my footwork and allow my center to take over in stretch. Never let elbow fully extend until it's time for stretch.

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