The football analogy was an eye opener for me when I saw you teach it at an event a few years ago. So many lightbulbs!!!! Also, using your teacher program for years, I see why it's so easy to teach elasticity first to beginners, they understand that recoil so much sooner than I expected they would. I love this visual and it's also refreshing to have so much clarity around this subject!
HOLY MOLY. Actually measuring my pressure is a game changer. I have a luggage scale and I brought it out for this. I've always felt pretty good about my connection and love the feel of a good stretch. Without testing in advance to see what 10 lbs looked like, I did a normal anchor/stretch. …25 POUNDS of pressure. My poor partners! Time to recalibrate!
The football analogy was an eye opener for me when I saw you teach it at an event a few years ago. So many lightbulbs!!!! Also, using your teacher program for years, I see why it's so easy to teach elasticity first to beginners, they understand that recoil so much sooner than I expected they would. I love this visual and it's also refreshing to have so much clarity around this subject!
I love this CASL diagram! I will try to get in my endzone now and so excited to practice it. Very good analogy! Thank you.
I really liked the football diagram. Didn’t think about it this way before 🙂
HOLY MOLY. Actually measuring my pressure is a game changer. I have a luggage scale and I brought it out for this. I've always felt pretty good about my connection and love the feel of a good stretch. Without testing in advance to see what 10 lbs looked like, I did a normal anchor/stretch. …25 POUNDS of pressure. My poor partners! Time to recalibrate!