3.2.4 Posting

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  • So I understand, posting is not a required part in every pattern, eg to signal at count 4 of a 6 count pattern that the anchor is now going to start. That is done by using elasticity. And the post is to stop the follower "at once", right?

  • "Historically, this posting on 4 or 6 was a required part of the dance, but because modern WCS is slower and therefore more elastic and fluid, there are fewer occasions to warrant using the tactic of posting."

    Does this mean in more historical West Coast Swing stylings (i.e. September by Earth, Wind and Fire), that posting more often is permitted/encouraged/more appropriate?

    • It depends on function, not song. If you wanted to dance to that song in a classic WCS way, then incorporating more posting so you could do footwork and shag elements would be appropriate, yes.

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