One of the many things I love about all of this is how it also translates into conscious listening and resonates with much of what I 'teach' with clients. I love when the concepts in my life overlap, and I can apply one place where I've had lots of practice to a new place that needs practice….it's like bringing wisdom to where I am just beginning, and gives me a little confidence. If I can learn it in one context, then I'm likely gonna be able to learn it in another. I also danced this past weekend, and got a chance to practice much of this without knowing I was gonna get to read and learn about it here today.
One of the many things I love about all of this is how it also translates into conscious listening and resonates with much of what I 'teach' with clients. I love when the concepts in my life overlap, and I can apply one place where I've had lots of practice to a new place that needs practice….it's like bringing wisdom to where I am just beginning, and gives me a little confidence. If I can learn it in one context, then I'm likely gonna be able to learn it in another.
I also danced this past weekend, and got a chance to practice much of this without knowing I was gonna get to read and learn about it here today.