4.2.2 How Swung rhythm works

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  • I like the shuffle feel video, but have a hard time thinking about "shuffle feel eighth notes." The swing feel, or the triplet in 4/4 time means that they're not *really* 8th notes but (approximately) 1/6 note and 1/12 note pairs… I guess I like 12/8 signature notation instead. Silly semantics maybe.

  • Man, that CUP explanation was a great way to build into swung rhythm. Very visual, and very clear. I could SEE it as well as HEAR it with Tessa's voice. Well done!

  • So happy to finally have the timing explanations layed out in a way I could understand. Not just the this is how you label/describe the timing, but being taught why it is described the way it is, helps me to understand the how – thank you sooo much for giving us the full picture to help the learning process 🙂

  • Wowwwwww
    I didn't know the cups explanation of the swung rhythm….
    I thought the swung is always at the 75% mark…
    And also didn't know that you can dance on the 33% and 66% …. Thank you!!!

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