Thinking critically about how you were taught

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  • I think my philosophy about learning to dance is always evolving and I think the most important thing is to realized that partner dancing is about consistent pricinciples and a framework that you can add new ideas onto rather than a series of absolutes (i.e. squared up body positions and rote footwork) that make it difficult for people to evolve.

    In general, I think it's good to avoid certain absolutes (that will make it difficult for people to evolve their WCS (always going back, back, back in a follow
    s anchor for example, always leading back on 4 in a whip), not because they are "wrong" per se but because they make make it difficult for someone to evolve their technique for something more complex.

    I think it's important for people to try to go and social dance (in a thoughtful and as technically correct manner as possible) early on) and to understand foundational principles of CASL, foot rolling (avoiding height changes and bouncing), frame and law of inertia vs patterns and footwork.

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