Follower Styling Bundle (all 3 “Got Play” videos)


Many students looking come to us asking for “styling”. But in order to clarify what they are looking for, we ask them,

“Is it that you want more variations, syncopations, and things to add to your WCS? Or that you feel like you’re just marching through patterns and don’t feel like you’re really dancing yet?”

If you are looking for variations and advanced things to add, these styling videos are perfect for you. There is no overlapping content between videos. We recommend starting with Beginners (which refers to Beginner styling, not Beginner WCS).

But if you feel like you’re just marching through patterns and don’t feel like you’re really dancing yet, what you’re hunting for is called “character of dance”, not styling. It can be acquired through training in the fundamental movement skills of WCS. This is what we offer in our Swing Literacy Dancer Development Program.

All these videos are included FREE inside the Dancer Development Program.


This is just the beginning…

This video is a small piece of a massive puzzle. For a comprehensive online training program showing you all the pieces and how they fit together to accelerate and liberate your West Coast Swing, check this out:

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