A game-changing experience

Offered at select events, this 2-4 hour workshop is open to all dancers and teachers. A true progressive intensive, it builds skills over the course of the session, causing immediate and relatively permanent transformation in dancers’ understanding and skills.


The Intensive focuses on the core fundamental movement skills that are holding most dancers back. Based in biomechanics, ergonomics, and coaching science, we lead the students through the developmental skill progressions to cause a permanent shift in their understanding of how they move and how WCS works.

We deliver key techniques in a unique entertaining and accessible way, leaving students better able to connect and apply material they have collected from other dance experiences.

It can be offered consecutively during the weekend, or broken up into smaller segments to fit your schedule.

The results

Communities offering the Swing Literacy Intensive have reported improved safety, functionality, camaraderie, attitude, level integration, student retention, teacher engagement, and competitive progress.

Stand-alone or earn SLDM credit

Those enrolled in the SLDM Dancer Development Program earn 1 credit towards their certification.

SLDM-trained Teaching Assistants

SLDM Graduates can assist in the Intensive to earn credit towards their SLDM Teaching Practicum. Their service as TA’s pays for their registration in the Intensive.


To arrange for a Swing Literacy Intensive in your area, contact us.





