Momentum Themes
DDP Core Modules
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Momentum Orientation
Get introduced to each section of the website and learn how to use it to best help you improve your West Coast Swing as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Effective Practice Habits: Orientation to Practice Skills
Set yourself up for success by getting organized: planning your practice schedule, establishing routines, narrowing your focus, and reflecting to refine your process.
Rhythmic Agility
Improve your ability to create a variety of rhythms with your body both voluntarily and on demand, for the purpose of musicality.
Improve your turning agility to turn/pivot/rotate on any foot in any direction on demand, regardless of your role.
DDP Orientation
Start your training here. Get an idea of the DDP course structure, website navigation, and how to enjoy your online Swing Literacy community.
DDP Module 1 Train WCS Smarter
Prepare a new mindset for training smarter. Dive into the science of learning to discover how to improve any skills more efficiently so practice feels more productive.
Styling Flow
Train how to to analyze any styling variation and practice it with transitions for implementing into real social dancing.
DDP Module 2 Personal Movement Skills
Progressively build the solid foundation of personal movement skills (techniques, tactics, and strategies) required to make your West Coast Swing more stable, agile, and expressive.
DDP Module 3 Partnership Movement Skills
All the connection details you have been craving, broken down progressively into Techniques, Tactics, and Strategies.
DDP Module 4 Musicality Skills
See how all the pieces of the musicality puzzle fit together, and how you can build your musicality skills progressively.
Blues Appreciation
Dive deeper into Blues history, culture, and music theory so you can feel more confident and self-expressed dancing WCS to Blues music.
DDP Module 5 Pattern and Styling Skills
Build your pattern and styling SKILLS (instead of memorizing choreo) so you can develop fluency and make better decisions with your partner and the music.
DDP Module 6 Social Dancing Skills
Apply your techniques, tactics, and strategies to navigating the culture, competitions, and conventions of the social WCS scene.
Experience Credit: Bootcamp
One of several live experiences you can take to augment the Core Modules and bring the Swing Literacy method to life! Click here to log your Bootcamp credit.
Anchor Shaping
Anchor Shaping is about how to make your “anchor triple into CASL” more interesting
Precision Steering for Turns
Systematically practice your pressure connection for turns with a partner and in social dancing.
Articulate Legs
Articulate Legs is about how to improve the quality of all lower body movement to make it more intentional and expressive.
Get your brain in shape to support all the great physical progress you've made as you venture out social dancing with new skills.
Encouragement from past Bootcampers
Come on over to the campfire and join in. We have smores.
So tonight is the first call and there may be many of you that have been too scared to post. As one that takes awhile to warm to a group I posted little and didn’t participate fully in bootcamp Ver 1.0 last spring. I didn’t get an AB until late in the game. I also didn’t invest much in my FMS inventory either. In retrospect, I shorted my learning experience, so with this added opportunity to do bootcamp again I am trying much harder. I will invest in my FMS. I will do a better job to watch this group to give cheers and accolades. I will make time to do my videos and post them (yeah they aren’t great but that is why I am here. #TrainingUgly or better #TrainingUglyAmongSupportFromBeautifulPeople).
One thing I didn’t say in my introduction about why I fell in love with WCS was the community. While not perfect there sure are lots of people supporting people, and I always felt welcome. And here we are. WCS dancers in a campsite, our bootcamp community. So if you are feeling a bit scared, this is a safe place (just look at all the support from the posts already) Please don’t short yourself out of fear (like I did last time).
So come on over to the campfire and join in. We have smores.
Robert Kosieniak
I didn’t realize until more than halfway through last time just how beneficial it was to really engage
There is so much information in the DDP and it is awesome to be guided through again! I also get the opportunity to do things differently.
I didn’t realize until more than halfway through last time just how beneficial it was to really engage….SO…read your materials, post your videos, connect with a couple of ABs and join the practice pods! Most importantly, enjoy the journey.
Alicia Blick
Want to add some words of encouragement to other Bootcampers?
Fill out the form below and once approved, we’ll add it to the words of encouragement above. Thanks in advance! We all appreciate a little bit of encouragement! 🙂
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Thanks for submitting your words of encouragement! You rock!
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Whip Tech
Concentrate on the connection techniques required to make your whips more effective, consistent, resilient, and buildable to more advanced skills.
Patterns & Styling Mapping
Train how to to analyze any styling variation and practice it with transitions for implementing into real social dancing.
Ducks Dissected
Learn and practice all the techniques for ducks for both roles and how to use them in patterns.
The Spring Lab
Get more sensitivity, responsiveness, and consistency in your boings so you can make redirections more efficient and adaptable with any partner or speed.
Starting and Stopping: Linear
Get more sensitivity, responsiveness, and consistency in your boings so you can make redirections more efficient and adaptable with any partner or speed.
Phrasing Practice
Learn to identify windows of opportunity for personal expression that show up in patterns with or without a lead or invitation.
Invitation Supports
This theme zooms in on the Support version of Invitation Leads, so you can feel more confident leading and following moves that offer the follower opportunities to play using the leader’s structure.
Expression Windows
Learn to identify windows of opportunity for personal expression that show up in patterns with or without a lead or invitation.
Switching Genres
This theme helps you tailor your dance more specifically to each of Blues, Lyrical, and Pop songs, then practice switching between them smoothly and confidently.
Get Grounded
This Get Grounded theme addresses the underlying cause behind balance and timing issues that may be holding your dance back.
UMBRA Patterns
Develop a reliable collection of social dance patterns that are Universal, Musical, Balanced, Repetitive, and Adaptable
Ultimate Upper Body
This theme tackles the “A-B-C’s” that make your dance come alive from the waist up: Articulate Arms, Body Isolations, and Contrabody movement.
Precision Steering: Shaping
This theme focuses on what it takes to produce or cause shapes in your partner’s body, your partnership together, or the pathway of travel.
Focus on the artistic aspect of rhythm and accents so you can make better musical predictions and styling decisions.
Balanced Conversations
Find out exactly what amazing dance conversations are made of and how to create them at each stage of development.
The Boing Lab
Get more sensitivity, responsiveness, and consistency in your boings so you can make redirections more efficient and adaptable with any partner or speed.
Get your brain in shape to support all the great physical progress you've made as you venture out social dancing with new skills.
Articulate Legs
Articulate Legs is about how to improve the quality of all lower body movement to make it more intentional and expressive.
Test Start Course Info Category Selector – All Courses
Whip Tech
Concentrate on the connection techniques required to make your whips more effective, consistent, resilient, and buildable to more advanced skills.
Patterns & Styling Mapping
Train how to to analyze any styling variation and practice it with transitions for implementing into real social dancing.
Ducks Dissected
Learn and practice all the techniques for ducks for both roles and how to use them in patterns.
The Spring Lab
Get more sensitivity, responsiveness, and consistency in your boings so you can make redirections more efficient and adaptable with any partner or speed.
Starting and Stopping: Linear
Get more sensitivity, responsiveness, and consistency in your boings so you can make redirections more efficient and adaptable with any partner or speed.
Phrasing Practice
Learn to identify windows of opportunity for personal expression that show up in patterns with or without a lead or invitation.
Copy of How to teach WCS in 15min
Learn a proven method how to teach a brand-new dancer (one-to-one) WCS in 15 minutes so they get hooked and sign up for classes.
Invitation Supports
This theme zooms in on the Support version of Invitation Leads, so you can feel more confident leading and following moves that offer the follower opportunities to play using the leader’s structure.
Expression Windows
Learn to identify windows of opportunity for personal expression that show up in patterns with or without a lead or invitation.
SpinAbility Mini-Course – Draft
Learn a proven method how to teach a brand-new dancer (one-to-one) WCS in 15 minutes so they get hooked and sign up for classes.
Switching Genres
This theme helps you tailor your dance more specifically to each of Blues, Lyrical, and Pop songs, then practice switching between them smoothly and confidently.
Get Grounded
This Get Grounded theme addresses the underlying cause behind balance and timing issues that may be holding your dance back.
UMBRA Patterns
Develop a reliable collection of social dance patterns that are Universal, Musical, Balanced, Repetitive, and Adaptable
Ultimate Upper Body
This theme tackles the “A-B-C’s” that make your dance come alive from the waist up: Articulate Arms, Body Isolations, and Contrabody movement.
Precision Steering: Shaping
This theme focuses on what it takes to produce or cause shapes in your partner’s body, your partnership together, or the pathway of travel.
Focus on the artistic aspect of rhythm and accents so you can make better musical predictions and styling decisions.
How to teach WCS in 15min
Learn a proven method how to teach a brand-new dancer (one-to-one) WCS in 15 minutes so they get hooked and sign up for classes.
Test Start Course Info Category Selector – My Courses
Test Start Course Info Category Selector – NOT My Courses
Whip Tech
Concentrate on the connection techniques required to make your whips more effective, consistent, resilient, and buildable to more advanced skills.
Patterns & Styling Mapping
Train how to to analyze any styling variation and practice it with transitions for implementing into real social dancing.
Ducks Dissected
Learn and practice all the techniques for ducks for both roles and how to use them in patterns.
The Spring Lab
Get more sensitivity, responsiveness, and consistency in your boings so you can make redirections more efficient and adaptable with any partner or speed.
Starting and Stopping: Linear
Get more sensitivity, responsiveness, and consistency in your boings so you can make redirections more efficient and adaptable with any partner or speed.
Phrasing Practice
Learn to identify windows of opportunity for personal expression that show up in patterns with or without a lead or invitation.
Copy of How to teach WCS in 15min
Learn a proven method how to teach a brand-new dancer (one-to-one) WCS in 15 minutes so they get hooked and sign up for classes.
Invitation Supports
This theme zooms in on the Support version of Invitation Leads, so you can feel more confident leading and following moves that offer the follower opportunities to play using the leader’s structure.
Expression Windows
Learn to identify windows of opportunity for personal expression that show up in patterns with or without a lead or invitation.
SpinAbility Mini-Course – Draft
Learn a proven method how to teach a brand-new dancer (one-to-one) WCS in 15 minutes so they get hooked and sign up for classes.
Switching Genres
This theme helps you tailor your dance more specifically to each of Blues, Lyrical, and Pop songs, then practice switching between them smoothly and confidently.
Get Grounded
This Get Grounded theme addresses the underlying cause behind balance and timing issues that may be holding your dance back.
UMBRA Patterns
Develop a reliable collection of social dance patterns that are Universal, Musical, Balanced, Repetitive, and Adaptable
Ultimate Upper Body
This theme tackles the “A-B-C’s” that make your dance come alive from the waist up: Articulate Arms, Body Isolations, and Contrabody movement.
Precision Steering: Shaping
This theme focuses on what it takes to produce or cause shapes in your partner’s body, your partnership together, or the pathway of travel.
Focus on the artistic aspect of rhythm and accents so you can make better musical predictions and styling decisions.
How to teach WCS in 15min
Learn a proven method how to teach a brand-new dancer (one-to-one) WCS in 15 minutes so they get hooked and sign up for classes.
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